樂子萇海陵人開平中家酤釀性好道人人至即飲以酒或詭為道士服者先生亦輙飲之一日縱使飲至夕視之則醉墮盎中死矣先生懼潜舁盎并瘞之後三日香發越自瘞所出發其瘞則酒滿盎色渥如丹芬冽異常Mr. Zhang was delighted and said, "This is a strange person who has brought me to the realm of immortals." He then bid farewell to his family and ascended to heaven with them.
Li Yong, a man from Jiangxia, was born during the Tang Dynasty under Emperor Dezhong. As a child, he was intelligent and well-versed in various fields of study. He became a Taoist master and traveled throughout China, wearing simple clothing and living off the land.
Hu Er Lang encountered a Taoist priest in Chengdu who was drunk on the streets. The priest took pity on him and offered him food. Hu Er Lang asked for water instead of food, which made the priest laugh.
Zhang Bian's origins are unknown. During the Later Tang period, he became known as Zhang Bian after meeting Li Yizhen at Chang'an Temple.
Lei Zilei lived in Haixing during the Tang Dynasty under Emperor Xuanzong. His family ran an inn where they served wine to travelers.
标签: 普通人怎么学道术 、 道德经是道家的经典吗 、 如是的梗 、 国家为什么只承认孔子的77代 、 女人信道教好吗