第一卷 一宇篇:
观乎天下 之大数,以万物为刍狗。
知彼知己,从 stranger things to the most intimate aspects of human nature.
能知吾身,然后能know others; knowing oneself is the beginning of wisdom, and it is also the foundation for understanding others.
第二卷 二柱篇:
The unrighteous shall be used as tools, and those who wish to take action shall not prevail. The righteous shall be upheld, and those who act with integrity shall succeed.
第三卷 三极篇:
Ancient craftsmen were able to achieve great things by cutting themselves with a thousand knives. This is a metaphor for the self-discipline required to achieve one's goals.
第四卷 四符篇:
Only those who are aware of their fate can avoid death. This is a reminder that our lives are predetermined, but we have the power to choose how we respond to them.
第五卷 五鉴心论事实,
The wise person sees through appearances and discerns reality.
In all matters, they look within their own hearts rather than relying on external signs or omens.
第六卷 六匕食孟利,
When eating food from an unknown source,
It is better not to eat at all.
This teaches us about moderation in all aspects of life,
And reminds us that it's always better to err on the side of caution when unsure about something.
第七卷 七釜化精要,
The alchemical process requires patience and persistence,
Just like refining metal requires heat and time.
This teaches us about perseverance in our pursuits,
And reminds us that true transformation takes time and effort.
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