随着时间的推移,王文卿的事迹 gradually spread throughout the land, and he became known for his extraordinary abilities. He was summoned to the capital by Emperor Song Huizong, who bestowed upon him numerous honors and titles, including "冲虚通妙真人" and "特授太素大夫". King Wenqin's reputation continued to grow, and he was eventually granted the title of "冲虚通妙灵惠真人".
Despite all these accolades, King Wenqin remained humble and unassuming. He continued to live a simple life in the mountains, devoting himself to his studies and spiritual practices. His teachings emphasized the importance of internal cultivation as a prerequisite for mastering the arcane arts.
King Wenqin's legacy extended beyond his own lifetime. Many students sought him out for instruction in the ways of magic and alchemy. Among them were notable figures such as Juzhi Qin, Xiong Shanren, Ping Jingzong, Yuan Tingzhi, Sasu Jianzheng (who met with him on Qingcheng Mountain), Shang Chenggao (who received instruction from him in Xin City), as well as Daxiang Fashi (his nephew). These individuals went on to become accomplished practitioners in their own right.
In addition to his many accomplishments as a practitioner of magic and alchemy,
King Wenqin also left behind a written legacy that included several important texts. One of these texts is called "The Household Words of Master Wang," which takes the form of questions answered by Master Wang himself. This work focuses exclusively on lightning magic (雷法) emphasizing that summoning lightning spirits requires not just external knowledge but also internal cultivation.
It is said that on August 23rd in 1153 AD,
during an eclipse when day turned into night,
Master Wang suddenly appeared before everyone
and announced:
"I am false; my body is like wood"
He then vanished instantly into thin air
leaving behind only one phrase:
"I am gone"
This enigmatic statement has been interpreted countless times over history
but its true meaning remains shrouded in mystery
标签: 道家 人物 、 什么叫无为 、 普通人怎么修道入门 、 道士朋友圈文案 、 适合发朋友圈的佛系句子