现在存世的丹法中,既有南宗也有北宗。南宗即指的是北宋紫阳真人的一脉,以《悟真篇》为主要理论,上面讲的是男女双修,这便是 南宗起始秘密传授,从初祖紫阳到二祖杏林、三祖道光、四祖泥丸翠虚、五祖紫清,每位前辈都是单独传承,直到第五位白玉蟾开始普遍传授。这也是为什么白玉蟾能够清修成仙的一个原因,因为他童身出家,精气完足,丹基深厚;另一个原因是因为他扎实掌握了双修技巧,因此他的清修成仙与扎实基础相辅相成,从而开创了新的路径。
North Zong Five Ancestors Simplified
《永乐宫志》卷八第一章第二节记载了这方面的情况,其中包括王玄甫、钟离权、吕洞宾、刘海蟾和王重阳等 五位神仙,他们分别被誉为各个时代最高级别的地位。而全真的真正意义上的始祖,被尊称为太上老君,将其遗产交给金母,然后由金母将其继续向下转交,最终落入王玄甫手中。接下来每一次变换,都是一种精神上的升华,就像一条河流不断向前推进一样。当这个故事结束时,我们发现整个世界都变得更加美好和丰富起来。
King Wuguan, the first ancestor of the Shangqing Sect, is said to have received the teachings from Yu Huang, who in turn received them from Laozi. This story highlights how each generation has added new layers of meaning and interpretation to the original teachings.
The Southern School and Northern School within Daoism are two different branches that developed independently of one another over time. The Southern School was characterized by its emphasis on inner alchemy (neidan) and spiritual cultivation, while the Northern School focused more on external rituals and practices.
The distinction between these two schools can be traced back to their origins in ancient China. The Southern School originated during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), when Buddhism was at its peak in China. At this time, many Daoist practitioners began to incorporate Buddhist teachings into their own beliefs and practices. As a result, they developed a more introspective approach to spirituality that emphasized personal transformation through meditation and inner alchemy.
In contrast, the Northern School emerged during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD), when Daoism became increasingly influential in Chinese society. During this period, Daoist practitioners began to focus more on external rituals and practices as a way of connecting with nature and cultivating their spiritual energies.
Today, both schools continue to thrive within Daoism as separate but complementary traditions that offer different paths for spiritual growth.
Now let's talk about how you can enter this world.
To become a practitioner of either school requires dedication:
1. Commitment: Dedication is key.
2. Study: Learn about your chosen tradition.
3. Practice: Regularly practice your chosen techniques.
4. Seek guidance: Find an experienced mentor or teacher.
Remember that becoming a true master takes years if not decades so don't rush it
Once you've gained enough knowledge you should start practicing regularly
As you progress remember always stay humble
I hope this helps!
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