探寻中华“三大姓”与“三小姓”的源流之谜,难道不是在寻觅我们深藏的文化根基吗?李姓,中国第一大姓,是如何由“嬴”氏演变而来,并因官位而得名?王姓,第二大姓,又是怎样从帝王后裔的称谓转变为普遍使用的姓氏?张 surname, the third largest in China, what secrets lie behind its origins from the star of archery and its connection to the Yellow Emperor? And what about the lesser-known "three small surnames" - Shan (from Yue), Si (from death) and Nan (a rare surname that originated from a bird's name)? How did they come into being and how have they evolved over time? Embark on this journey with us as we delve into the fascinating world of Chinese surnames.
标签: 人生感悟 :致自己 !(精辟) 、 怎么理解道法自然 、 修道十足高雅的诗句 、 什么叫无欲则刚 、 如何理解大道至简