在一个偏远的村庄,有一位老农民,名叫李光。李光有个特殊的习惯,那就是每当他的家里产下新蛋时,他都会说出这句古语:“拒生蛋 我的七条蛇相公”。这个习惯源自他年轻时的一次奇遇。
然而,一天,当村子中出现了一个传言,说是某个强大的黑巫师要来征服整个村庄,所有人都害怕。但是李光并不慌张,他相信他的“七条相公”会保护大家。他对着那些围聚在他身边的小蛇说:“拒生蛋 我的七条蛇相公”,然后闭上眼睛等待。
就在黑巫师即将到来的那一刻,小 snakes suddenly stirred, their eyes glowing with a strange light. They slithered out of the house and surrounded the village, forming a protective barrier around it. The black witch was shocked by this unexpected turn of events and quickly retreated.
From that day on, the legend of Li Guang and his seven snake companions spread far and wide. People began to call him "the Snake Master". His story became a symbol of courage and friendship between humans and animals.
Years later, when Li Guang passed away at an old age, he left behind not only his land but also his beloved snakes to continue guarding the village. And so, every time someone in the village would lay eggs or give birth to new life, they would whisper those magical words: “拒生蛋 我的七条蛇相公”.
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