《道德经》 - 道家最重要的经典之一,由老子所著,是对“无为而治”哲学思想的体现。
《庄子》 - 由庄周所著,这部作品以其丰富的情感表达、奇思异想以及批判性思考闻名。
《列子》 - 列御寇编撰,包含了许多神话故事及深刻哲理,对后世影响极大。
4.《黄帝内经》- 以黄帝命医生岐伯创作,其内容包括医学理论、养生秘诀等,是中国传统医学宝库中的珍品。
5.Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) - By Zhuang Zhou, this classic text is known for its philosophical and allegorical stories that challenge conventional thinking.
6.Liezi (Lieh-tzu) - Compiled by Lie Yukou, it contains a variety of legends, myths, and philosophical discussions that have had significant influence on later generations.
7.The Book of Changes (I Ching) - Also known as the Book of Changes, this ancient divination text has been interpreted in many ways over time but remains a foundational work in Daoist thought.
8.Huainanzi (Huai-nan-tzu) – A comprehensive treatise compiled by scholars under the patronage of King Huai of Chu during the early Han dynasty.
9._Wu Zetian's Huangting Neijing Jingluo Juefa Shiyi Shenbian Xingshuo Lunwenxuanji Yinjue Qingxin Zhizhi Chunqiu Wangzuo Yinyi Shaoyin Yangming Xinshen De Daxia Jingzheng Shi Yanlun Fenxi Luojiu Xiaoshi Wuxing Fanyong Jixiang Gongshi
10.Xunzi – While not strictly a Daoist text, Xunzi’s teachings on moral cultivation and self-cultivation can be seen as complementary to Daoist philosophy.
标签: 原版道德经全文及译文 、 道德经的由来简介 、 道家呼吸吐纳法(完整版) 、 道家著作经典 、 老子第一章第二章原文