
湖北恩施“女儿会”殡葬盛事:迎接亲人归来300年来,“女儿会”在恩施民间一直非常活跃,自上世纪80年代以后,恩施市委、政府的直接介入,“女儿会”进入到一个新的发展阶段,不仅多次在省、州电视台展示过风采,而且与清江国际闯滩节、民俗风情旅游节以及硒都魔芋节和茶叶节结伴而行,既为经贸、文化、旅游事业增添了光彩和魅力,也使“女儿会”本身成长为恩施民族文化的台柱和令山外人心动目眩的艺术奇葩。 恩施土家族女儿会,简称恩施女儿会,发端于恩施市的石灰窑和大山顶。两地分别为恩施市东、西两个1800米的高寒山区,两地因分别出产名贵中药材(当归、党参)而成为享誉中外的药王之乡,同时两地也分别孕育了奇特婚俗“女儿会”,而成为女儿会的故乡。此俗一直承传不嬗,迄今已近300年。石灰窑和大山顶均属恩施市辖地,且全市多为土家族,所以将人们习惯称呼的女儿会称为“恩施土家族女兒會”。 “female will”的活动是通过一系列仪式进行的一种庆祝婚姻结合力的特殊方式,其中包括迎亲仪式,这是一个重要但独特的情感交流机会,以歌曲作为媒介,让未来的配偶们互相了解,并最终决定是否结婚。在这个过程中,有着一种非凡的情感共鸣,使得这段旅程充满了温馨与期待。

"Female Will" is a unique and fascinating cultural festival that embodies the essence of traditional Chinese marriage customs. The "Girl's Festival" in Enshi, Hubei Province, has been celebrated for over 300 years, with its origins dating back to the ancient Ba people's primitive marriage rituals. This festive event serves as an alternative to arranged marriages, allowing young couples to express their feelings through song and dance.

During this period, young girls from all walks of life gather together to celebrate their femininity and independence. They wear beautiful clothes adorned with intricate embroidery and jewelry, creating a stunning visual effect known as "Lianzhizi," or "Three Drops of Water." The girls carry baskets filled with local produce and set up stalls along the streets, showcasing their wares while waiting for potential suitors.

Meanwhile, young men approach these stalls casually carrying baskets on their shoulders. If they find someone they like among the crowd of girls seated at the stalls, they engage in conversation until they reach a mutually agreeable decision regarding further interaction or even marriage.

The whole process unfolds amidst laughter and joyous singing by both parties involved. This unique tradition highlights the importance placed on personal choice in matters related to love and commitment within Enshi society.

In recent years, thanks to government support and initiatives by local tourism boards,

the beauty of this festival has attracted international attention.

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