




东晋时期僧肇、竺道生等名僧在其著述中,将利用“naturalness”的概念来阐释 佛性。竺道生是最早把这个概念融入到 “Buddha-nature”的内涵中的僧人,他借助于中国传统文化中的 “Naturalness 观念”,解释Buddha-nature:“法即然然,一切诸法莫不皆然,所以法为Buddha-nature也。”这里,“Law,” “Naturalness,” 和 “Buddha-nature three concepts are of the same meaning and significance.

到了唐宋时期禅宗进一步突出并强化了Naturalism. 宗被认为是最典型代表着Buddhism China's most typical school, its Naturalism is a fusion of absorption and deep integration of "Natural" views from Confucian and Daoist philosophies. The Zen sect emphasizes reaching a state in which one dissolves the distinction between oneself and others, achieves unity with all things, through meditation practice. This is the state referred to as "Zen." It also refers to the harmony between people and nature, emphasizing that all living beings have inherent Buddha-natures.

In China, Buddhism has been an active participant in environmental protection since ancient times. Song Dynasty Buddhist monk Daxing planted 10,000 cypress trees around his temple; later generations of monks continued this tradition by planting trees around temples. These actions not only beautified their surroundings but also protected local ecosystems.

Throughout Chinese history, Buddhist temples have always been surrounded by lush forests and fragrant flowers - symbols of harmony between human society and nature. The emphasis on compassion for all living beings in Buddhism has led to efforts to protect animals such as releasing captive animals back into the wild (放 生). In Tibet's high-altitude regions where Tibetan Buddhism flourishes, environmental conservation is deeply rooted in religious beliefs promoting eco-friendly practices like sustainable agriculture.

The Four Great Buddhist Mountains - Five-Tai Shan (Wutai Mountain), Emei Mountain (E' mei Shan), Putuo Mountain (P'u t'o Shan) & Lingyin Temple at Hangzhou Bayou area - serve as symbols embodying these values while providing spiritual retreats for practitioners seeking enlightenment amidst natural beauty.

(Author Unit: Yunnan Academy)
