其一 叹出家,到也奇,看破了世路云泥。一心不染红尘事,任凭他浮名美利,任凭他爱子娇妻。劳形不如归山去,俺怎肯终日奔驰,俺怎肯终日寻思,修行当发冲天志,做一个慷慨男子,不愿意被生死的羁绊束缚,无烦无恼无优虑,只想在人生的旅途中打破常规,为自由而生。
其二 叹出家,到也幽,断却了妄念忧愁。人生那得无尘垢,我们又何必为了物质和名利而忙碌?我们又何必满足于平庸,不追求更高的目标?断然不落无常手,我们要坚定地走向自己的道路,用洪钟般的声音宣布我们的决心,将真理传递下去。当自然赋予我们成就时,我们将像鹤一样飞翔,一帆风顺地游弋在生活的海洋中,那是多么令人神往啊!真玄道妙谁参透?
其三 叹出家,到也深,有些人借着假象来修炼真经。身住行住坐卧把内心定安,让气息自然流转,让身体健康提神。喜的是木能降雨金能升阳,如同灵光照亮圆如镜面的一刻,当智慧突然通达一切的时候,就像河水运转昆仑山一般自信。那时候,你们会认识到真正的玄奥秘密。
其四 叹出家,但看破了打坐参禅。主人现出是何种本质,这个世界充满了虚伪和欺骗,但有的人能够静默地理解其中的玄机。在动静之间,他们用智慧辨别真伪,就像汞抽铅一样纯净。不论是在激烈的情境还是平和时刻,他们都保持着超凡脱俗的心态,没有疲惫,因为他们知道如何利用火焰中的文武之道来炼化自己。
其五 Vigilant and strong, we prepare for the fierce battle ahead. We must defend against the six thieves that threaten our spiritual path, no matter how they try to deceive us with their cunning ways or tempt us with their allurements. With our wisdom and courage, we will triumph over them all. Like a wise general who sees through the enemy's plans, we will lead our troops to victory, using our swords of wisdom to cut down any obstacles in our way.
Its sixth section speaks of the high state of detachment and freedom that one can attain through spiritual cultivation. It is about embracing life's ups and downs without attachment or aversion. The text describes how one can enjoy simple pleasures like a bowl of rice or a cup of wine without being swayed by external influences. It also touches on the idea that wealth and status are not important, as long as one has inner peace and contentment.
The seventh section emphasizes the importance of cleansing one's heart and mind in order to achieve true understanding. It encourages seekers to seek out wise teachers who can guide them on their journey towards enlightenment. The text concludes by urging readers to be mindful of their actions and thoughts at all times, so that they may avoid falling into worldly desires and attachments.
In summary, these seven sections offer guidance on various aspects of spiritual cultivation from different perspectives: letting go of worldly attachments (first two sections), cultivating inner strength (third section), transcending duality (fourth section), overcoming challenges (fifth section), embracing simplicity (sixth section)
标签: 道家九字真言什么意思 、 道家神仙谱 、 从古至今的道家名人 、 道教的主要代表人物 、 道法代表人物