在大雪纷飞的天空下,寒风凛冽地吹过,我们不禁想起了中医古语中的“春夏养阳,秋冬养阴”,winter, as the season of yin, requires us to focus on nourishing and protecting our body's yin essence. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the period of Big Snow (大雪) is also an ideal time for replenishment and self-care.
As the weather turns colder and drier during this time, it's crucial to pay attention to our health to avoid illnesses. During Big Snow, we should consume more black-colored foods and bitter-tasting foods. The former can help boost kidney energy and improve overall vitality, while the latter can help eliminate heat and dryness from the body.
In terms of nutrition, we should opt for food rich in protein, vitamins, and easily digestible ingredients during Big Snow. Traditional dishes that are perfect for this time include red dates cake (红枣糕) and cured meat (腌肉).
Red dates cake is a delightful dessert made with red dates and flour. Its sweet aroma fills your senses as you take a bite into its soft texture. This dish is packed with nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamin A,B-group vitamins,C-vitamin,P-vitamin,calcium phosphorus iron ring phosphoric acid etc., making it an excellent choice for maintaining good health.
Cured meat is another popular dish enjoyed nationwide in China. Livestock or poultry raised over half a year reach their prime before winter sets in when food may be scarce or difficult to obtain due to harsh weather conditions. Therefore people will often preserve these meats through curing methods for later consumption during times like these when fresh ingredients become hard to come by.
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