

随着时间的流逝,国际左撇子日逐渐获得了世界各地左撇子的认可,并开始在不同国家举行庆祝活动。1992年,这一传统得到了英国伦敦左撇子俱乐部的大力支持,他们不仅将这一天确定为官方的国际左撇子日,还成功举办了第一届盛大的庆典。此外,他们还设立了一 个专门的网站,用以宣传这个节日、普及关于左撇子的知识,以及报道每一年国际左撛子的活动安排和各国庆祝活动。

通过这样的努力,left-handed people finally have a day to celebrate their uniqueness and fight against the biases and prejudices that they have faced for centuries. According to them, this is not just about celebrating left-handedness but also about making the world more inclusive for everyone, regardless of their handedness.

Today, there are over 70 countries where left-handed people hold significant celebrations on August 13th. Europe is particularly known for its vibrant left-handed communities with elaborate festivals. Despite making up only around 10% of the global population, left-handers contribute significantly to various fields such as art, science, literature and sports.

The reasons behind why some people are naturally inclined towards using their left hand remain a mystery. However, it's believed that genetic factors play a role in determining one's handedness. Interestingly enough, studies show that twins have an increased likelihood of both being left- or right-handed.

While society may often view them as outsiders due to their unique habits and cultural practices associated with being left-handed individuals have made remarkable contributions throughout history and continue to do so today.

With all these achievements under their belt (or should we say under their hand?), it's no wonder why International Left-Handers Day has become an important milestone in recognizing the value of diversity in our increasingly interconnected world.

So let us take this opportunity on August 13th every year to appreciate those who use their hands differently from others – they might be writing history with every stroke!
