修文偃武政策以及不断收缩疆域,让宋人的心灵变得内向,同时使得宋文化温文尔雅婉转妩媚精致细密,其艺术特质转向注重意态神韵典雅平淡。梅瓶便是一例,小口细颈肩部圆润收腹敛足如玉立少女娇艳不轻佻娇答含羞端庄妩媚令人神往曲线直线变化结合方圆相融秀美端庄但始终不是张扬外向博大的,而是不露锋芒羸弱正映射出唐代追求外部事功个性唐人的外向博大与Song dynasty's pursuit of inner refinement and quietness.
通过这些装饰方式,Song people escaped from the spiritual shackles of being ruled by external objects, allowing their minds to be liberated and purified, achieving a state where individuals are in harmony with the universe, or the Dao. The ceramics' shapes were designed to be controlled, playable, touchable, and manipulatable; this reflects Song scholars' pursuit of self-control and balance between heart-nature morality and physical nature. Additionally, due to constant wars against neighboring countries that exerted immense psychological pressure on the population, Song ceramics tended towards smaller sizes as if they were seeking control within a limited space.
The aesthetics of Song porcelain also reflect Daoist ideas. Following Lao-Zhuang philosophy's emphasis on natural beauty over artificial embellishments, Song porcelain sought simplicity in coloration without excessive ornamentation. This is exemplified by the celadon glaze that was highly prized during this period. Celadon represented an idealization of natural colors as opposed to artificially created hues. It was considered a representation of heaven's original color palette—thus embodying Daoist principles such as "People follow Earth; Earth follows Heaven; Heaven follows Dao."
In conclusion, through its design and aesthetic features—such as small size for better control—the ceramic art form became an embodiment not just of beauty but also spiritual ideals reflecting Chinese philosophical thought particularly Taoism during that era.
标签: 道家看什么经书 、 大道至简的理解 、 大道至简的女人特点 、 道家最强护身咒 、 道家思想对现代社会的影响