2.4 Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)
Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha or Shakyamuni, was born in Lumbini, Nepal around 563 BCE. He was a prince of the Shakya tribe and lived a life of luxury until he renounced his wealth and embarked on a spiritual journey to find enlightenment.
3.1 The Four Noble Truths
The Buddha's teachings are based on four fundamental truths: dukkha (suffering), samudaya (origin), nirodha (cessation), and magga (path). These truths form the foundation of Buddhist philosophy.
3.2 The Eightfold Path
To attain enlightenment, the Buddha taught followers to follow an eight-fold path that includes right understanding, intention, speech, action, livelihood,
4 Conclusion:
In conclusion,
"Buddhism" by Robert E. Buswell Jr.
"A History of Buddhism" by Edward J. Thomas
"The Life of Buddha" by T.W.Rhys Davids
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