

每年农历二月初二,德州称为“龙抬头”的日子。据说,到了这一天,经过冬眠的龙就被隆隆的春雷惊醒,便抬头而起。所以古人称农历二月初 二为“春龙节”、“青龙节”。这天冬去春回,天气逐渐变暖,雨水也会多起来,万物复苏,蛰伏在泥土或洞穴里的昆虫蛇兽,将从冬眠中醒来。农民告别冬闲,加快了下地劳作和开始春耕的步伐。在科学不发达的时代,这一时期百姓们通过各种纪念活动,对祈求风调雨顺、五谷丰登寄托了强烈愿望。

在德州民间,就流传着这样一首打油诗:“二月二,大仓满,小仓流;天子耕地臣赶牛,当朝大臣把种丢。”朝廷老子率满朝大臣都参加春耕生产,看得出春耕对农业生产来说是多么重要。在实际上,“两 月、二,大仓满、小仓流”此说和古代天文学有关。当时中国用二十八宿来表示日月星辰在天空位置并判断季节。而二十八宿中的角、亢、氐、房、心、尾七宿组成一个完整 的龙形星座,其中角宿恰似 龙 的角,每到 二 月后面的黄昏时分,在东方地平线上出现,从而被称为“龙抬头”。

根据历史记载,如明沈榜《宛署杂记》提及:“引龍,用灰自門外委婉布入宅厨,以為引龍回。”《明宫史》则云:“初 二 日……各家用黍面枣糕,以油煎之,或以面和稀摊為煎饼。”

清富察郭崇《燕京岁时记》中也有这样的描述: “於今日,有食饼者謂之龍鳞,有食面者謂之龍須面。闺中止針線恐傷龍目也。”

至今,在德 州 一带,还保留着吃烙饼拌菜等习俗。此外还有撒灰引龍扶 龍 熏虫避蝎剃頭忌針刺眼等節俗。

Dragon Lifting Festival, a traditional cultural celebration in Texas, is celebrated on the second day of the second lunar month. According to legend, this day marks the awakening of dragons from their winter slumber and their ascent into the sky. As such, it has been referred to as "Spring Dragon Festival" or "Green Dragon Festival". On this day, winter gives way to spring as temperatures rise and rain becomes more frequent. It is believed that all creatures will emerge from hibernation at this time.

Farmers also use this opportunity to begin their spring plowing activities after a long winter break. In ancient times, people held various rituals and celebrations around this time for good weather and abundant harvests.

In local folklore in Texas, there are stories passed down through generations about customs surrounding Dragon Lifting Day:

Dragon's Head: The dragon head was considered auspicious for children born during this period.

Fragrant Rice Cakes: These were cooked on February 2nd with sesame seeds.

Sweet Dumplings: They were boiled in soup before being served with pickled vegetables.

The festival was marked by feasting on sweet dumplings (called 'sweet meat') filled with sugar cane syrup or bean paste; eating fragrant rice cakes made with sesame seeds; drinking fruit wine called 'dragon's breath'; lighting incense sticks shaped like dragons; wearing dragon masks; performing dragon dances; playing musical instruments like drums and gongs.

It is said that if you don't eat sweet dumplings on February 2nd you'll be cursed by the spirits until next year!
